
Remuneration to the Board of Directors

The Annual General Meeting in 2023 stipulated that fees to the Board, until the end of the next Annual General Meeting, will amount to a total of SEK 3,220,000.

The remuneration of the Chairman of the Board shall amount to SEK 630,000 and each of the other members shall receive SEK 315,000.

The remuneration of the Chairman of the remuneration committee shall amount to SEK 100,000 and each of the other members shall receive SEK 50,000. The remuneration of the Chairman of the audit committee shall amount to SEK 150,000 and each of the other members shall receive SEK 75,000. The remuneration of the Chairman of the transaction committee shall amount to SEK 100,000 and each of the other members shall receive SEK 50,000.

NameBoard PositionFeesCommittee Fees
Anders TullgrenChairman of the BoardSEK 630,000SEK 200,000
Peter EdmanBoard memberSEK 315,000SEK 50,000
Karin WingstrandBoard memberSEK 315,000SEK 50,000
Eva NilsagårdBoard memberSEK 315,000SEK 150,000
Ivan Cohen-TanugiBoard memberSEK 315,000SEK 50,000
Mats ThorénBoard memberSEK 315,000SEK 125,000
Kirsti GjellanBoard memberSEK 315,000SEK 75,000
Guidelines for remuneration to members of senior management

According to the Swedish Companies Act, the general meeting shall resolve on guidelines for remuneration to the CEO and other members of senior management according to the Board’s proposal to the AGM. At the general meeting held on May 5, 2022, guidelines were adopted with the following content (see file below)

– Remuneration to the CEO and other members of senior management